Friday, February 12, 2010

Yoga benefits are proven scientifically - Lesson 2

In the first part of my e-course on Yoga for beginners I told you how Yoga affects your physical body. In my previous posts, I also pointed out that Yoga (or practising Yoga) has very little to do with religion.

Naturally, it can be religious thing as well, if you want it to be, but by itself Yoga is not religious in a way of focusing on belief or faith. In other words: You do not have to believe or have faith in anything particular to learn, practise and benefit from Yoga.

Therefore, I would say that Yoga is more of a science than anything else simply because it is understood, learnt and practised in term of the scientific methods in many countries and places around the world. Just take India for example. They refer to and approach Yoga as a science.

Just the same as in other scientific disciplines, Yogic science builds its principles based on causes and effects, which means that observations and results of Yoga are produced objectively. For a yogic master to be credible, one needs to be highly educated in many sciences like physics or biological sciences for instance.

Perhaps you are wondering why am I talking about science here, when this post is titles as: Why is practising Yoga beneficial for you? Well, this is simply because when it comes to science, results can be tested objectively.

That means that positive benefits of Yoga, which I was talking about in my previous posts, are tested in objective way. Noone has made up the results or effects of Yoga. They were empirically proven in a scientific way!

It is your right to ask yourself questions like: Why should you even bother to learn and then practice Yoga in the first place? before you actually decide to experience it. And because of that, I wanted to give you an anwser to that, so you can see that the positive results of Yoga are real thing.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

How Yoga affects your physical health

I am starting my online Yoga e-course with part 1, which is titled: Yoga and your physical health. I am sure it will be very interesting and informative for you as a beginner to Yoga.

The first thing you should know is this: In Yoga there is no differentiation between your body and your mind. This is something new for the western world as we are used to think about mental health and physical health as two different things.

With that said, Yoga can be understood as a way of helping your body (and mind) heal or improve itself through a process of releasing blocked tension and energy in your body. Further on, Yoga helps with making your muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments and other body parts work to the fullest.

According to Yoga, human beings are optimally built by nature itself. That means your body is designed in a flexible and agile way. Being stiff or lacking in mobility is for Yoga a sign that your body is unhealthy or out of alignment.

So, whenever you find yourself in a Yoga lesson or class, or perhaps doing Yoga mat in your home with the help of a Yoga video or DVD, be aware that you are working on your health and well-being. Practising Yoga is proven to help you achieve the following benefits for your body and mind:

  • it increases your flexibleness and range of motion,

  • it reduces the hurt in your muscles and joints,

  • it strengthens your immune system,

  • it strengthens the capacity of your lungs,

  • it increases your metabolism (this is good for losing your weight as well),

  • it helps you sleep better (mostly because Yoga improves your breathing and better oxygenates your body).

Learning and doing Yoga obviously helps you with several things related to your health and the quality of the life you are living.

To sum it up: Yoga does not only help you with getting more flexible, but it also detoxifies you because of the increased blood flow in various parts of your body. Your muscles will become more tone and invigorated as well due to various postures performed during your Yoga practices.

Therefore, Yoga does not only provide you with mental benefits (such as relaxation, calmness and happiness), but also gives you llots of clear and proven physical benefits too!

In case your goal is to lose weight, or perhaps staying in good health during winter time, then Yoga is certainly something you should be doing on regular basis. It will help you with your goals just the same as it will help corporate executive get the stress out of his mind.

Now that you know how positively Yoga affects your physical health, I am sure you will want to start learning and practising as soon as possible. That is all for the first part, make sure to subscribe so you will not miss on the second part where I go into even more details about why practising Yoga is beneficial for you.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What you will learn about Yoga on this blog

The first thing you have to learn about Yoga (you probably already know this but anyways) is that you do not have to change your religion in order to enjoy all the health benefits that Yoga has to offer.

There are stereotypes out there about Yoga, perhaps one of them: such as that people practising Yoga belong to some kind of commune or something. Ofcourse, not to say that this is not true. There are literary millions of people out there practising Yoga every day and as a consequence enjoying the health benefits that derive from Yoga activities!

Perhaps the best thing for you as a beginner to Yoga, is to think about it as a very simple, accessible and ordinary activity, such as exercising or going into fitness for instance (whatever you like better). As I said in my first blog post, the people who will most benefit from reading this blog are beginners to Yoga.

If you have heard about this activity on radio, or watched it on television perhaps, then take the things here that I am going to tell you as a clear, simple and playful introduction that will help you with your well being in general.

Ok, I have to admit. Even if you already have some experience with Yoga (Maybe your friend took you to a Yoga lesson a couple of years ago, but for some reason you did not follow up at that time), you will benefit from the information here as well! In my next following 5 blog posts, I will take you through my beginners guide to Yoga, mini e-course where you will learn the following things:

  • Yoga and Physical Health,

  • why is practising Yoga benefitial to you,

  • how Yoga helps you support a healthy lifestyle,

  • what types of Yoga are available out there,

  • Yoga for beginners: Tips that every beginner to Yoga should know about.

As you can see, I will start with some very interesting things about Yoga, that will help you get a better understanding of what this activity is all about and how you will benefit from exercising Yoga. Do not forget to bookmark, save or subscribe to this blog as well, so you will not miss out on my future posts!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Introduction to Learn Yoga Online or Yoga for Beginners

We have seen many changes in the world in the last couple of decades. The world has become a much smaller place than it used to be. Just think about how little it takes you to be on the other side of the world. Or about the time needed to talk to a person across the ocean.

The world itself is becoming a "Global Village" as Marshall McLuan put it. What used to be very strange or unknown to us is now getting part of us. Yoga is great example of that.

Practising and learning yoga was something that Western world was not very familiar in the past, but nowadays, Yoga is becoming part of our every day life. Ofcourse, this has not happened by coincidence.

The reason for it is very obvious: Doing Yoga gives you much health benefits on many levels: from physical and emotional to psychological well-being.

But despite that, some people are still reluctant to learn and do Yoga. Maybe you are one of them. This blog is here to get you over that and help you get started. Thus, I have named it How to learn Yoga or Yoga for beginners.

It is written for beginners mostly, but even experienced practicians can benefit from the information that will be written here.

By now, you as a beginner probably know that yoga gives you a lotsof enjoyment with no negative side effects at all. On the contrary actually: You benefit greatly from it. But perhaps you are not familiar enough with Yoga to actually take the first step.

Do not worry anymore, because that is about to change. Bookmark this blog, visit it regularly and read every word on it that will be published. It will help you with your first step and it will take you a lot further than just that!